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Taiwan, Teachers, & Training: An Interview with Yang Jwingming ~ Part 2
March 14, 2022
Now that you have provided us with some fascinating background details dealing with family, studies, and work, I'd like to focus on your martial art studies. What exactly got you interested in these arts? Please provide some details about your very first teacher.
Taiwan, Teachers, & Training: An Interview with Yang Jwingming ~ Part 1
March 7, 2022
The name Dr. Yang Jwingming became known to many because of his early publications dealing with Taijiquan. Despite some editorial faults expected in early works by a native-Chinese speaker who was a novice to publishing, his pioneering volumes offered insights and experience into the art that captivated thousands.
Fighting Range Strategies
November 15, 2021
If you cannot overwhelm the attacker and end up temporarily disengaged facing him, you should keep moving to prevent becoming a static target and to camouflage any additional tax you must unleash as you launch into retzev. (Retzev is a Hebrew word that means continuous motion.) In short movement from movement is more difficult to discern then movement from a stationary position.”
Anatomical Targeting Strategy: Works for Both the Attacker and Defender
October 11, 2021
Keep in mind that you don’t want any type of fighting chess game; instead, the goal is to eliminate any and all of his future counter-movement and counterattack capabilities. In other words, achieve checkmate with your first or second optimized combative as soon as possible.
Understanding Physiological Reaction to Threats and Violent Conflict
July 12, 2021
The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) mobilizes your body’s nervous system fight-or-flight response. Immediate SNS activation occurs when you recognize and face imminent violence. Once activated by the perception of possible impending bodily harm, the SNS in turn activates immediate physiological changes by flooding your body with stress hormones. Your freeze, fight, or flight response hits full throttle
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, February 2012 - February 6, 2012
Dr. Yang, What originally brought you to the martial arts?<br>I became interested in martial arts partly because I grew up in a traditional Chinese society. I was born right after World War II in Yang’s Village, which consisted of more than 600 relatives and family members living together.
Interview of Michael Clarke for El Budoka Magazine-Part 2 - January 3, 2012
The following article is Part 2 of the English translation of an interview between author, Michael Clarke, and writer, Juan Luis Cadenas de Llano Bajo for El Budoka magazine.
Interview of Michael Clarke for El Budoka Magazine-Part 1 - December 28, 2011
The following article is an English translation of an interview between author, Michael Clarke and writer, Juan Luis Cadenas de Llano Bajo for El Budoka magazine. Part No. 1 may be found on Page 50 in issues No. 5.
The Differences Between San Shou Shuai Jiao and Other Styles of Wrestling - July 5, 2010
Technically speaking, the foundation and basic principles of San Shou Shuai Jiao are based on traditional Chinese wrestling (Chuan Tong Shuai Jiao) and adapted for combat training. San Shou Shuai Jiao techniques and principles are very simple, effective and—most important—quick.
Intervista con Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Italian) - September 8, 2009
A oltre sessant’ anni di eta’, il maestro Yang Jwing Ming, gia’ membro della Hall of Fame della rivista Inside Kung Fu, fondatore di un’associazione marziale con filiali in tutto il mondo e instancabile propagatore delle arti marziali cinesi tramite decine di libri e DVD didattici, sta materializzando il sogno di una vita.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Samurai Magazine) - August 27, 2009
Dr. Yang, could you please summarize for our readers how the first year went? With the exception of a few events, the first year of the 10 year program went very smoothly. In this year, I have learned how to treat today’s younger generation.
The Race to Nowhere - January 15, 2009
The New Year has arrived. &ldquo;What are you committed to?&rdquo; asks Seabourne. &ldquo;You might find yourself searching for an answer. Although you may not be preparing for a big race or have any clearly defined fitness goals--or any goals--you are still committed.&rdquo;
"The Arts Must be Preserved" - December 29, 2008
This year the internationally-established teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, commenced his long-planned ten-year retreat with five students in a newly built center in California.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, September 2008 - September 23, 2008
Well, to tell the truth, I had never been interested in studying Physics. The only reason why I got so far as to receive my Ph.D. as a mechanical engineer was to prove to myself that I could learn to deal with things I didn&rsquo;t enjoy doing, even with the constant pressure from society and relatives around me. To receive a Ph.D. in either Physics or Engineering seemed to be the right choice at that time, even though I knew that deeply in my heart, my real interests were Chinese martial arts and Qigong.
Der Erfolg des YMAA Retreat Center (German) - August 19, 2008
In den letzten 35 Jahren hat Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming die Vorzüge chinesischer Kultur gelehrt und traditionelle Kampfkunstarten in der ganzen Welt populär gemacht.
Inside Kung-Fu Man of the Year 2007: Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming - December 14, 2007
He has been a martial arts and publishing giant for more than three decades. With Yang’s Martial Arts Academy (YMAA) schools dotting every corner of the world, and senior instructors creating equally large names for themselves.
Il Sogno del Maestro Yang Jwing Ming (Italian) - December 13, 2007
Yang Jwing Ming e’ una leggenda nel mondo delle arti marziali cinesi. Fondatore della Yang Martial Arts Association e dell’omonima casa editrice, autore di innumerevoli libri, videocassette e DVD.
Llega el maestro del anti-estrés (Spanish) - December 12, 2007
La vorágine del mundo de hoy lo devora todo. Se vive rápido, todo es inmediato y desechable. Se quieren resultados para hoy y no alcanzan las horas del día para lograr lo agendado.
Dr. Yang Interview with In Review magazine - March 08 issue - December 1, 2007
Dr. Yang has been interviewed recently for articles that will appear in local Boston publications, and in the March issue of Music Design's In Review magazine. He also had a lengthy interview with freelance writer Oliver Broudy, contributing writer for Men's Health & Best Life magazines.
Man on a Mission - IKF article - September 1, 2007
For 35 years, Dr. Yang has taught the benefits of Chinese culture and popularized traditional martial arts throughout the world. He is in a unique position: carrying the legacy of the generation of the old masters and possessing a keen understanding of a new generation, he has dedicated his life to bridging the East and the West, and researching the ancient arts with a modern scientific perspective.
Energy master: Qigong and taiji find passionate teacher in Marshfield’s Roger Whidden - August 28, 2007
MARSHFIELD, MA - He felt the energy in the ball the first time he stepped onto the mound to throw his first pitch. It was 1965 and the first year and the first game 11-year old Roger Whidden played Little League.
A Return to the Ancient Way of Training - July 30, 2007
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming has taught the benefits of Chinese culture and popularized traditional martial arts throughout the world.
"Breath of Life" - A Boston Globe article - July 1, 2007
Do martial arts and meditation have medical benefits? Rami Rones, a former fighter who works with cancer patients, says yes, and area hospitals are paying attention.