Articles | Page 4 | YMAA

YMAA Celebrates 41st Anniversary
October 2, 2023
In honor of the 41st Anniversary of YMAA, join us on our YouTube channel for a special commemorative video.
Master Cheng Gin Gsao
October 3, 2022
Dr. Yang, Jwìng-Mǐng trained as a teenager beginning at age 15 with Master Cheng, Gin Gsao (曾金灶) learning Shaolin White Crane Kung Fu. Because Jwìng-Mǐng had a painful ulcer since childhood, Master Cheng recommended he might learn Taijiquan because he had heard of its healing benefits. This shows how special Master Cheng was…
Meet the Author: Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming interview with Gene Ching discussing the YMAA 40 Year Anniversary (video)
September 28, 2022
Dr. Yang, Jwìng-Mǐng (楊俊敏博士) chats from his new home in upstate California with YMAA staff writer Gene Ching about the YMAA 40-year anniversary.
The YMAA Kung Fu Curriculum
April 18, 2022
This is Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming's official YMAA External Arts Curriculum, which outlines his recommended order of study for Kung Fu students.
The YMAA Qigong Curriculum
February 21, 2022
The Chinese word Qi (氣) is defined as energy, as in all energy in the universe, and Gong means hard work or study. Therefore, Qigong (氣功) means "the study of natural energy." Western science has identified a bioelectric potential in the body which could be one of the primary aspects of Qi energy. This "bioelectricity" is recognized by YMAA as an important area of Qigong study and research.
Treating Thyroid Problems with Natural Medicine - December 21, 2009
Thyroid problems are very common in the United States. The thyroid hormone influences almost all of the metabolic processes in your body.
The Swine Flu and You - October 28, 2009
Many people have a significant fear about the Swine Flu. This worry generates anxiety, worry, and sometimes even panic. The Swine Flu is not very different from the ordinary flu. The same caution is required.
Chinese Healthy and Balanced Diet - October 23, 2009
Simple Chinese Medicine—A Beginner’s Guide to Natural Healing & Well Being by Dr. Aihan Khun, emphasizes the need for a healthy balanced diet the Chinese Way
Traditional Chinese Health - A Simple and Light Diet - July 16, 2009
Food provides nutrients for the maintenance of bodily function and and growth. Good dietary practices insure your health and longevity. Through the years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has developed systematic theories, principles, and methods that have contributed a great deal to the health and longevity of the Chinese people.
Balance Between Work and Rest - May 26, 2009
Throughout history mankind has had to work and struggle against nature in order to survive. In doing so, however, one must work within the limits of his or her tolerance and must rest to release tension caused by work.
Coping with Jet Lag - April 13, 2009
As a pilot for Continental Airlines traveling the globe, I thought it would nice to share with you some ideas about coping with a common problem called jet lag.
The Importance of Breathing in Martial Arts - January 1, 2009
According to Survival Topics, you can survive without food for about three to six months. You can live without water for two to ten days. Without air, however, the average person will die, or at least suffer severe brain damage, in three to five minutes.
Taijiquan Master Kao, Tao - Dr. Yang's teacher - September 23, 2008
Dr. Yang's first Taijiquan master, Grandmaster Kao, Tao (高濤), who Dr. Yang lost contact with after leaving for college and moving to the U.S., was finally found teaching Taiji in Taipei, Taiwan in 2008. This article is a record of that time.
Learn How to Move Your Spine - September 4, 2008
Three days before my college graduation, I had the misfortune to be a passenger in a Subaru that broad-sided a Lincoln Continental. At the hospital, the doctor asked me what I did for my scoliosis. "What scoliosis?" I asked, unsure whether it was a spine or a liver problem.
Self Qigong Massage, part 2 - April 30, 2008
Although many of the purposes of self-massage are obvious, from the view of Qigong, its functions are wider and more profound. Let's review these purposes so you have a clearer understanding of the "why" of this practice.
Self Qigong Massage, part 2 - April 30, 2008
Although many of the purposes of self-massage are obvious, from the view of Qigong, its functions are wider and more profound. Let's review these purposes so you have a clearer understanding of the "why" of this practice.
Self Qigong Massage, part 1 - April 13, 2008
Self-massage is a natural human instinct to soothe the mind/spirit and ease discomfort in the body. There are many examples of this. If you accidentally get hit with a hard object, you naturally rub the hurt place to lessen the pain and also to keep a bruise from forming.
Self Qigong Massage, part 1 - April 13, 2008
Self-massage is a natural human instinct to soothe the mind/spirit and ease discomfort in the body. There are many examples of this. If you accidentally get hit with a hard object, you naturally rub the hurt place to lessen the pain and also to keep a bruise from forming.
How to Avoid Common Injuries in Your Martial Arts Training - April 1, 2008
Injuries to the hands are common in the martial arts. This occurs because almost all martial artists condition their hands to increase their power and destructive potential.
Dealing with an Injury - Training Wisely - February 11, 2008
One thing that intense athletes of all types experience at one time or another is an injury -whether it is just a minor muscle strain or a complete Achilles tendon rupture.
YMAA 25 Years - February 6, 2008
On October 1, 2007, YMAA celebrated its 25-Year Anniversary. There were many phone calls, letters and emails of congratulations.
Cancer Healing the Natural Way - December 31, 2007
Cancer is not as terrible as you think. But it can be terrible if you are not aware that keeping your energy pathways open is a key to healing. Very often people have told me that a family member or friend or co-worker is stricken with cancer.
Using the Internal Arts to Help Fight Cancer - December 6, 2007
As a Mind/Body Consultant at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard and Tufts Medical Schools in Boston, Ramel Rones has worked to improve the quality of life for cancer patients with techniques from Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and meditation.
Introduction to Internal and External Jin - March 20, 2007
Introduction to Internal and External Jin (martial power)